Sunday, May 21, 2017

Spinner Syndrome

 We if you have been reading my posts, or if you know me then you know I recently got a 3d Printer.
Its it cool, yea. Its Kool. I really like it, does it give me fits at times, it sure does. Does it always play nice, I only wish. Its really been very good. Most issue I have had with it are me not knowing what I am doing. It is still really new to me. Changing the type of plastic you are using, means you have to change a lot of settings. While I'm still having minor issues with this new PETG. I have been learning. That is the reason I got it in the first place. Don't think I will be an expert anytime soon. Funny thing is I never really wanted one in the first place. But I have to say I really like it. I will probably get another soon as I get the chance. I got it on a Amazon Lighting Deal. It fell inside of my budget to give it a go. I am all about learning things. The more you can learn, not only are you better off, but then you can spread your knowledge to help others.

I printed theses from There are a lot of awesome designers there. I would like to thank them all for there hard work. For helping others by supplying there designs to the
world. Its a great thing to share.

I printed this one out for my Mom.

                                           Fidget Spinner for Mom by cheesegrader179
Published on May 10, 2017

I see this one and reminded me of a friend. So I had to print it.

                                                            bat-Spinner by riccardo3D
Published on May 17, 2017

Then I found these center caps. I printed them for my Mom's Spinner. Had to try them with the Bat Spinner.

Heart Spinner Caps (locking) by Fastermaster
Published on February 14, 2017

Ok this is the last Spinner I made, I made two of them.

Hand spinner four gears by Vladimir310873
Published on March 15, 2017

I could find things to print twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Its really been fun. A toy, too make more toys, what more could one want.

I would Like to Thank my friend Trace, he always wanted one, told me how cool they where. I always thought they where just a waste if time and money. But money don't really mean a thing and time is what we make of it. It makes me sad that he isn't here to play with my new toy. To help me learn more about how they work. To help me build a second one. Apparently one just isn't enough. 

I would like to Thank Grumpy, for showing me how cool 3d printing really is.

I would like to Thank Leaf and Batmom for encouraging me to attempt my crazy projects and for being Great Friends.

Without all of you I may still think a 3d printer is a waste of time.
                                                                                                                                  Thx :-)

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Far from Perfect

   I am far from a writer, to be honest I can hardly spell. My brain works faster then my hands. I
leave out words, sentences as far as writing goes I'm a mess. I can't really say I'm great at anything. However always willing to give things a honest try. I am one of them all in all out people. I may not be good, great or the best. If I am going to do something I will give 110 percent, or nothing at all. I don't really have a middle. I'm all in or all out. I hate to half-assed do things.
 I sometimes do but its rare. Its most likely I don't want to do it in the first place if that happens.

So I don't really think one needs to be good or great. Just have to put a little heart into what ever you  do. Myself  I don't really know any other way. For me everything is internal, external things mean very little to me. Others my believe that external things mean something to me. But I would be happy with a blade of grass and a bit of dirt.  In the past I have been accused of trying to impress others. I am sorry these people feel this way. There is only one person I try to impress, that is myself. Because to try to impress anyone else does nothing. I wonder if they feel this way because I put so much heart into everything I do. Just because I put a lot of heart and soul into every doesn't mean I'm always right. It just means if I'm wrong, I will want to try harder to make it right. I don't every try to impress myself, sometimes it happens, though. I do things because I want too. Normally things starts with a simple idea and explodes into a huge production. Too many things pop into my head and for better or worse, I try to do all of the ideas that pop into my head.

So if I miss a word, speak out of turn, make a mistake, do something that impresses you, make no sense at all, I am not perfect. Nor do I want to be. Its the imperfections in life that make it more interesting. Its the small imperfections that make us different. Besides there is no such thing as perfection. Its the imperfections that make world a beautiful place.


                                      Thank You for taking your time to look at my blog.
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Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy Mothers Day

A Day late and a dollar short. Ok I'm a bit behind. I didn't forget. Happy Mothers Days to all of the
Mom's out there. You provided such care and love all year long, You should really get much more then just one day.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

If you give a Man a Fish

 We have all heard if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day, if you teach him how to fish he can
    eat for life. Well I have heard it and if you are reading this then you have too.  Ok where am I going with this. Umm well?

 If you give a man a toy he can play with it till he's grows board. Buy a man a CNC and he can make all the toys he wants. Ok you guessed it. I bought a CNC kit today. Is if fancy, no. Does it come in 100 of pieces? yes. Does it have instruction's, maybe not. Did it cost a lot? not really. Can I assemble it and make it work? We shale see. Ok is small, like really small, Its chineseum. I hope all the parts are there and it works. Going to ask my 11 year old niece if she would like to help assemble it. I have no idea what I am going to make or even how to use it. O Ya I still have that cannon to make, projects keep piling up.

 I'm old and sometimes just to tired to build the things I want some days. Sometimes finishing a project can be tough. With the new 3d printer, and the CNC kit on its way. I can let them do the work. Robots got to love them. My goal is to learn to build a CNC from scratch, maybe a 3d printer too, a CNC lathe, a draw bot the possibilities are endless. So many of the things you touch rely on microcontrollers. So many things are automated. I have a good amount of knowledge when it comes to computers. However I know nothing about robotics, electronics, or programing.  These microcontrollers are taking over the world. Putting people out of work. They don't need to sleep. They don't take breaks. they are perfect for simply repetitive task.

I don't know about you but I want to learn all I can about them.

We all know what this is about, :p
 A massive robot army to take over the world :p
 Ok sorry Pinky and the Brain moment.

Knowledge is power. Don't stop learning, Don't stop teaching others what you know.

I will leave you with a bit of art, a bit of heart,  and hopefully a smile.

Thank You for taking your time to look at my blog.
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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Little Boy and the Apple

This is a story I don't expect you to understand.

There was once a little boy that like to play in the sun. This little boy loved apples ate them      nearly every day. The he was around five and a half years old.

 One day he was playing in the beautiful, mid summer day, enjoying the sun. The grass was green the sky was a lovely shade of blue with a few wisps of clouds. It seemed like a wonderful day. He was eating his favorite snack, you guessed it an apple. Not just any apple but a delicious green granny smith apple.

   The boy was eating his apple and enjoying the wonderful day. He had taken a few bites out of the apple. Then as he took another bite, he lost one of his front teeth. The tooth had got stuck in the apple.  This upset the little boy, seeing his tooth stuck in the apple.

The tooth grew back in sometime later as it was a baby tooth he lost. But the boy would not eat apples any more.  To the boy this apple was tasty and good for him. He loved apples. However because of the emotional distress caused by seeing his tooth stuck in the apple, the boy no longer wanted anything to do with apples. That boy grew up, and 40 years later still wants nothing to do with apples or pears as to him they are to apple like.

The story is about how some peoples brains work. We don't all think the same. We don’t all understand things the same way as others. I know it sounds strange. He was losing his baby teeth, why should that be a big deal? It shouldn’t right? Its because of the way he thinks. For him he loved apples and they hurt him. This is the way his mind sees it. Even if the apple really had nothing to do with the science of what really happened. It does really matter to his brain. The apple in his mind is represented by an emotion. When that bond between the boy and the apple was disrupted by that event, it changed they way he perceived the apple. He never attempted to repair the bond he once had with the apple.  Apples remind him of that event, that for him was tragic.

He may still love apples, however because of the negative emotions an apple represents in his mind, he wants little to do with apples or apple like things.

That boy was me and no I don't want any apple pie.


Below If you right click and save as you can get a copy
of the story as I designed it.

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Monday, May 1, 2017


Life Is About Sharing
Are Thoughts
Are Feelings
Are Selves
Are Lives
With Others


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Mo's Emotional Color Dairy May

May 1st 2017


May 2nd 2017


May 3rd 2017


May 4th 2017


May 5th 2017


May 6th 2017


May 7th 2017


May 8th 2017


May 9th 2017


May 10th 2017


May 11th 2017


May 12th 2017


May 13th 2017


May 14th 2017


May 15th 2017


May 16th 2017


May 17th 2017


May 18th 2017


                                         May 19th 2017


May 20th 2017


May 21st 2017


May 22nd 2017


May 23rd 2017

Out of Touch

May 24th 2017


May 25th 2017


May 26th 2017


May 27th 2017


May 28th 2017


May 29th 2017


May 30th 2017

May 31th 2017