Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Can I Build It

  That really isn't a question. I can build it. But will I is the real question. Should I,  what's with all the questions? I spent some time last night looking at cannons. I kind of want to build one. I have enough tools to do so. I could always use more. But really who couldn't use more tools. I really want to build one. So maybe the question should be why? That's where I fall into the trap. What trap you may ask? The trap where I have no good reason to build it. I could always come up with an excuse I guess. Could call it a learning experience, the 4th of July is coming, I don't have a cannon. I'm sure the list could go on.

 But still not sure if I will. I really know why I want to build it. I want to build it for a friend. However I'm not sure we are friends anymore. Sometimes things just happen, misunderstanding
and all of that. So I'm kind of afraid to build it. I don't want to think about the drama. I don't want the
memories. I still want to build a cannon.

 Life is tough sometimes. Seems nothing can be easy. If I do something I give 110 percent or nothing at all. That 110 percent may not seem like it some days. I  give it all I have at the time or I just don't bother at all. I never seen the point of half-assing things. Do them right or at least attempt too. Some people can get away with just good enough. I can't. Sometimes things don't work out no matter how much effort you put forth. Does that mean you shouldn't try?

This morning I few drawings of a possible proto type. I'm sure if I build it things will change as its constructed. I just needed a rough idea of what it was I would hope to build.

Blood Sweat and Tears

Hopefully not much blood, it happens though. Probably not much sweat its a
bit cool out. More than anything tears will affect me the most
if I go ahead and build this cannon.

Even with a few tears in my eyes at the moment, I still want a tiny cannon
to call my very own.


Friday, March 3, 2017

Red White and Blue

  Still feeling a bit out of it. No quite myself by any means. I forced myself to try to create something. Anything at all. Art is a passion a love of sorts. Its a feeling an emotion on what ever media that you decide to use. Art is like writing a book or telling a story. An image can speak volumes. It says more then then just words. It can invoke emotions and thoughts on thoughts viewing, reading or watching it. Some people create art for money, but a true artist does it for love. The love of giving to the world there emotions, feeling, and thoughts.

  Sharing feeling thoughts and emotions don't always come easy. It can drain your very essence.
Art was once an escape from the horrors of everyday life, for me. It allowed me just to be me.
It gave me things to think about that took my mind off strains of life. Somewhere along the line
things blurred. What used to relieve so much stress, tension and anxiety, now floods my mind with
sad feeling and emotions I wish on no one.

 I was not always so kind. Was not always that generous. As I grew up, I tried very hard to be thoughtful generous and kind. Always tried to think of others first. Apparently sometimes others will
believe your kindness and generosity has a ulterior motive. They turn your kindness and generosity into greed and lies. I can be very overwhelming at times, I know this. This however gives no one the right to tell me lies or to spread half truths  They tell others what it is you want. When really you have no idea yourself.

 All you want is to be happy. For the people around you to be happy. All you really want is  to give
everyone a bit of what make you, well you a spark, a flame. A bit of your very essence. For them to know they have a friend.

Ok to much drama. Its time to heal. I'm sure it will be a slow process before I start to trust others. Before I want to socialize with others. At the moment I just want to be the carefree me I like to be.
Not sure when that will happen. Not sure what will happen. I do know all the pain, the heart ache and the drama is emotional overload.

They say art heals. They say a lot of things about art. Today I give the world a bit of art, a bit of my thoughts, and even a bit of myself. I call this series Red White and Blue.

I started with this base image, Funny enough it is in fact
red, white and blue. Maybe that's where the name came
from? Its not fancy, not very entertaining. It kind of looks
like a flag more then anything.  Isn't a flag a for of art.
An expression of color. A sense of pride. Ok I can carry
on a bit. I could keep going However I think you
get the idea. I had this idea about a red, white and blue image.
While this isn't exactly what I thought about, it was the
same idea.

After a bit of time, some thought and a lot of software I made the image below.
Believe it or not its nothing more the a modified version of the image above.
One may ask how did the image above turn into the image below.
That's the magic bit. A little emotion, some thought and
a lot of luck. Ok maybe a bit of skill. A bit
of knowledge perhaps. Ok to be honest I'm not
really sure. All I know Is I made it from the image above.

So let me ask you a question or two. What do you see? What
emotions does it invoke? Do you want to buy it? Ok that
last one was a joke. Do you like it?

What one do you like best? Do you see different things in each one?
You may need to click on them to see them with more detail.

I could tell you what I see in each. I could tell you what they mean. What
they stand for. But that would be cheating. Art is a very personal thing.
What it means to me and how it makes me feel, can be very different
from what other feel. Today how I feel about this piece and what I
see in it may not be the same tomorrow.

For me this is a very powerful piece. I can only hope
that the world  likes it as much as I do.

Thank You if you took the time to read this post.
I will try to limit the drama in these trying times.
Art is however emotional.
