The other day I decided to play around with my software a bit. Its been a while since I have actively used it. To remind me of what I could do with the software I use. I made a simple image
started. My computer I normally do graphics on went down a while ago and I never got around to fixing it. As a result I didn't have all the assets available to me as I would have if I had it bothered to fix it or at least pull the assets off of it. I thought maybe some people would like to see how I go from start to finish.
To start I made this image this simple image. Being February I went with a heart. Ok a broken heart it happens time to time. This is what I started with.
Added a few nuts. Mostly because I didn't have fireworks as there are on the dead computer.
Then some leafs
Some more leafs
Added a few more nuts
Some marbles
A few plantets
Added a few old tools
Not sure what I added to the middle
Add a bit of media
A few playing cards
Then the fun begins
Just playing
Till I find something I like
Keep trying new things
Changing setting
Sometimes only making small differences
Sometimes making a mess
Or something interesting
Sometimes even something I like
I could just continue on making images
Till I get the art I wanted to begin with
Is it done, I'm not sure is anything really done.
I hope you enjoyed the images today. Thanks for taking
the time to read my blog.
That's so cool to watch it evolve. And you're right is anything ever done?? If you figure out how to make that happen please let me know the secret so I can apply it to the laundry ;)
ReplyDeleteLaundry thing is easy make the kids do it, lol But no I never really get anything finished, because it can always be improved on.