Friday, August 8, 2014

Sorry For Lack Of Posts

Just checking in....

You know how it is - not enough and energy to keep up with it all.  My health isn't what it used to be.

As you get older, where does the time go?

Thanks to my editor for helping me with my Blog.  It was very nice of her. I really appreciated what she has done for me.

I am not so sure where my blog is going or what my plans are. I have a very hard time writing. These days, because of illness, it's taking a lot more energy to produce art work. Well, more energy then I happen to have. So while I want to post everyday, its very hard on me.

Its often scary to post your art work.  Will people like it?  Will they love it?  Will they try to steal it? Its all very scary. I start so many projects - too many! Some turn
out great and others, well, one day... :)

Anyway I took some photos the other day of flowers in my yard. I hope everyone enjoys them :-)

ˈshād əv ˈshād əv ˈsə-mər
ˈshād əv thə ˈsən 
ˈshād əv fȯ-lē-də-gräⁿ-dœr
 ˈshād əv i-ˈlü-zhən
ˈshād əv di-ˈlü-zhən
As always let me know what you think of my work.

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