That really isn't a question. I can build it. But will I is the real question. Should I, what's with all the questions? I spent some time last night looking at cannons. I kind of want to build one. I have enough tools to do so. I could always use more. But really who couldn't use more tools. I really want to build one. So maybe the question should be why? That's where I fall into the trap. What trap you may ask? The trap where I have no good reason to build it. I could always come up with an excuse I guess. Could call it a learning experience, the 4th of July is coming, I don't have a cannon. I'm sure the list could go on.
But still not sure if I will. I really know why I want to build it. I want to build it for a friend. However I'm not sure we are friends anymore. Sometimes things just happen, misunderstanding
and all of that. So I'm kind of afraid to build it. I don't want to think about the drama. I don't want the
memories. I still want to build a cannon.
Life is tough sometimes. Seems nothing can be easy. If I do something I give 110 percent or nothing at all. That 110 percent may not seem like it some days. I give it all I have at the time or I just don't bother at all. I never seen the point of half-assing things. Do them right or at least attempt too. Some people can get away with just good enough. I can't. Sometimes things don't work out no matter how much effort you put forth. Does that mean you shouldn't try?
This morning I few drawings of a possible proto type. I'm sure if I build it things will change as its constructed. I just needed a rough idea of what it was I would hope to build.
Blood Sweat and Tears
Hopefully not much blood, it happens though. Probably not much sweat its a
bit cool out. More than anything tears will affect me the most
if I go ahead and build this cannon.
Even with a few tears in my eyes at the moment, I still want a tiny cannon
to call my very own.