My! How time flies. Has it been a year already?
I entered into "Paint Your County Parks I" at the
Foundry Art Centre last year but due to an email issue on my part I didn't know I had got in to the show, so I didn't get to show my work. I know some of the art from "Paint Your County Parks I" is on this blog so I thought I would revisit it.
Paint Your County Parks I
then digitally edited to the picture below.
I then edited the image above to reduce detail and modify the colors.
I made some small pieces on 8" x 10" that didn't turn out and I no longer have them. However, after trying the small 8" x 10"s I changed to 16" x 20".
Sorry if some are bit blurry, it was hard to get good images inside.
The original painting was demolished in the process of
making the prints.
Here are the 16" x 20"s
I decided to move to a bigger size and reduce the
colors, starting with the image below.
I then painted the above image, and below is the 24" x 36" painting
"Paint Your County Parks I"
Unfortunately, I didn't get to turn it in.
Below are the prints from the painting above.
Above is on paper 24" x 36" framed to 30" x 40".
Above is on weaved canvas 24" x 36".
Enough about last year. I tried again this year, was running short on time, but I got it done.
Always could use more time. Anyway, on with the art.
Again I started with a photograph I took in
Bangert Island Park and I edited it digitally. I always try to do more then one as you never know what you will get. This was my alternate image.
Below is the paint I made of the image above.
Photo taken with flash.
The photo below is taken without flash. It's the same painting
but looks so different.
Below is the backside of the painting above taken without flash.
Yes, it's two sided - it's done on a clear sheet of acrylic using acrylic paint.
It is 23 x 27 inches unframed.
Below are the prints from the painting above.
The print above is on clear film 16" x 20".
The print above is on photo paper 16" x 20".
Above and below are prints on canvas 16" x 20".
So, on to the main piece, well, the one I expected to be the painting I would turn in.
Below is the digital image I started with.
Below is the painting of the above image.
Its a rather large acrylic painting that was all laid in with syringes on unprimed canvas.
It measures 50" x 34".
Below are the prints from the painting above.
This was the first pull on unprimed canvas. It wasn't very easy as I had no help
and it's 50 x 34 inches.
Below is the second print on unstretched unprimed canvas.
After all the work was done I decided to go with the alternate piece.
Below is a picture of the piece I enter at the show.
I didn't win but there is always next year and it should look great hanging in my bathroom window.
I hope everyone enjoys my work.
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